Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hey, anyone got a back scratcher!!!

Sooooo today was torture!  I reallllly didn't want to go work out.  I just have those days sometimes, days where I would do anything other than work out.  I would even rather clean house than workout!!  But I made myself get in the car and start driving towards Cape.  Of course I didn't make it, I decided that I needed to tan. So I went in talked to the girl there, tanned and wasted as much time as I could.  Then I thought,"hey Luana you should go by Barnes and Noble and check out their audio books."  Of course I did counter back, "Luana you really need to workout today.  Besides look at yourself, you can't go into a look like a slob."  Hey looks aren't everything!  But then the phone rang and it was my sister.  There she was huffing and puffing, working out like a dog, and she just had open heart surgery in January!   So, she inspired me to head to the gym and workout.  Naturally after I was done I was so glad that I went, my sister saved the day.  So this whole started me thinking, dangerous I know, but we all need some inspiration sometimes.  We all need some girl time too. I don't know about anybody else, but I love my husband with all my heart, yet  there are some needs he just can't satisfy, sorry babe.  That need is so strong sometimes and other times it's just an annoyance, nevertheless it's there.  It's like an  itch you can't reach, oddly enough  only another woman can reach. Don't worry I'm not getting kinky,   I think that itch is just suppressed so far down that we don't even recognize it.  But before we were all married happily, we had girl friends.  Friends that we went out with, went to the mall or a movie with, heck,  they even went to the bathroom with us.  They knew our deepest secrets and we knew theirs, just in case if you know what I mean, and life was good!  There was know one like our besties...until we met HIM.  He came into our lives and everything changed.  Suddenly, he went everywhere with me, we went out on dates, to the movies, yes even the mall, although he didn't watch me pee...yet.  He now knew my deepest secrets and desires and I knew his, life was great!  We still kept in touch with our friends, but we both just wanted to spend every waking moment together, he was  even mushy and romantic...aahhhhhh those were the days! 
Then we got married and had kids, now don't get me wrong life is still great, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  But he doesn't want to go out on dates or the movies anymore, and forget the mall!  Yet he still knows my deepest secrets and desires, and he does walk in on me peeing sometimes, so do the kids and pets for that matter.  But romantic encounters are few and far between.  So where are those besties?  Well if  you're lucky enough to have a sister as a bestie, then she'll always there, but the rest have moved on and started their own happy family.  It's just the nature of the beast, not bestie.  So what's my point?   I really kinda forgot...oh yea, no matter how busy our lives get, how broke we are or how exhausted we are, pick up a phone and call a friend.  LEAVE YOUR HOUSE AND FAMILY, let me repeat this one, LEAVE YOUR HOUSE AND FAMILY!  Just for an hour, heck even thirty minutes and reconnect with a friend.  We tend to lose ourselves in marriage and family,  but if we don't break away, for just a short time, we might just disappear.  Either that or we'll drive ourselves crazy look for a back scratcher! We as women  need other women around.  To listen to us, laugh with us, cry with us.  There are just somethings that only a woman would understand, there's that itch.  So to all my besties, thank you for listening, caring, and just being my friend.  Sister you always have and always will be my inspiration.  Thank you for encouraging me to go to the gym.   Also thanks for getting rid of that darn itch. 

Love ya

1 comment:

Christine said...

Wow - I hadn't read this, and now the tears are flowing. I can't describe how much that blog was written for me. I love my house full of boys, but truly feel so lonely sometimes. I am so excited to have time with you and Jess. I miss you guys so much!! Thank you for inspiring me as well.